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Practices of Ayurveda

  • Neshama Yoga Joris van Oostenrijkstraat 44 Kuringen Belgium (kaart)

A deep dive into the wisdom of Ayurveda.

The wisdom of Ayurveda spans thousands of years. The way we live our lives day to day ultimately determines not only our state of health but also our dharma and the way we are able to show up in service in the world. In this training we learn about the principles of Ayurveda that help us to live in an optimale state of balance with resilience, enthusiasm and purpose.

This workshop focuses on self-care rituals, from daily routine to movement and herbs.

With Julie.

For whom?

  • Anyone who wants to shift their lifestyle toward a more intuitive, balanced, mindful and effortless way of living

  • Anyone interested in learning about holistic health practices to address unresolved or unexplained (mild) health issues

  • Anyone interested in alternative health for women

  • Yoga teachers and other health coaches

  • Prospective teachers and teachers-in-training

Dates 2022

  • Zondag 2/10, 16/10, 30/10, 13/11, 27/11, 18/12

  • 12u30-17u


  • Includes snacks and drinks during the workshops as well as take-home samples of herbs, teas, oils and more in each each session :-)

  • 85 euro per module

  • 495,00 full series

24 november


3 december

Wim Hof Method met Pieter Coenaerts