Julie Henneberg - Owner & Head Instructor
Julie teaches Vinyasa, Yin and Iyengar yoga. You can find her at the studio on most days teaching group lessons and private classes. She has been practising yoga since 2004 and teaching since 2013. Her lessons are technical yet intuitive, and she has a knack for pulling people out of their shell and into their power. Students are fond of her soft voice and loud laugh.
Merve Toprak - Yoga Instructor
Merve teaches the Recharge lesson on Thursday night. For Merve, yoga is a means of tuning into her body and mind, of reflecting and connecting. Aside from yoga she likes to be creative with my hands like sculpting with clay, painting and cooking. Her favourite quote: Be brave enough to be bad at something new.
Ariane Box - Yoga Instructor
Ariane geeft de Space & Flow les op maandagavond. Als mama van drie heeft ze yoga pas op latere leeftijd mogen ontdekken. Door yoga te beoefenen kon ze beter losbreken uit de onophoudelijke chaos en stroom van gedachten. Yoga is voor haar een bron van inspiratie, vreugde en geluk. In haar les staat 'flow' voor ruimte, 'sterkte' voor het lichaam, 'ontspanning' voor de geest en 'kracht' voor ademhaling.
Karlien Bams - Yoga Instructor
Karlien geeft de Space & Flow les op donderdagavond. Ze startte 8 jaar geleden met Hatha yoga omdat ze door blessures haar karate trainingen moest terugschroeven. Yoga heeft haar enorm geholpen om terug in contact te komen met haar lichaam en heeft haar geholpen om de grenzen van haar mobiliteit te respecteren. Al snel werd het duidelijk voor haar dat Yoga en karate zeer complementair zijn en zorgen voor balans in haar lichaam en geest. Sindsdien is ze overgeschakeld naar Vinyasa yoga omdat de vloeiendheid van de serie ervoor zorgt dat haar hoofd leeg geraakt en ze orde kan scheppen in haar chaotisch leven.
Chantal Clabots - Instructor
Chantal geeft de Pilates les op maandagavond.
Roel Estevienart - Instructor
Roel teaches Heartcore on Sunday morning. Roel has always been deeply interested in the 'why' behind everything. During his early years he traveled and lived abroad in 3 different countries with his family which fostered in him a deep curiosity about the world. While growing up he was physically active (fitness, movement, extreme sports, and nature) but it was only a few years after his scientific studies that he truly gained an interest in the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. With the desire to know the truth of our own being, he made the yoga practice a part of his daily life and started to understand the true journey of the yogi. Yoga has helped him to create a space to deepen the inner connection. His intention to practice yoga asana is not to create the shape but to love through the body and connect deeper to the breathe, the spirit, and our inherent connection to everything. He is passionate about spreading his love for yoga and helping others in their journey through creating mind-body connections by moving in space, and shifting the state of mind.
Barbara Van der Mersch - Guest Instructor
Barbara collaborates with Neshama for workshops.
Sarah Kusters - Guest Instructor
Sarah teaches Yin workshops and XL classes. She completed her first yoga teacher training at AntwerpYoga in 2017 and over the years has added specialisations In Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga and Bioenergetics, among others. She lives in Zuttendaal with her daughter and many pets.
Bruce Chung - Guest Instructor
Bruce is a Canadian instructor who collaborates with Neshama for workshops and teacher training. He has been teaching for 15 years and has studied with some of the most respected teachers of the past few decades. His classes are intelligent and deeply thoughtful, combining functional movement with mindfulness and meditation.