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Conscious relationships

  • Neshama Yoga 29 Vijversstraat Hasselt, Vlaanderen, 3500 Belgium (kaart)

UNSTRUCK: rising up from the heart

Many of us carry tension in the shoulders and upper back. In recent years we often cite office chairs, cell phones and a sedentary lifestyle as the driving factors behind this tension. Yet sometimes even very active people (even dedicated yogis) continue to carry stiffness or heaviness in this area of the body, despite having a normal range of mobility.

The mindbody work of the chest and upper back centres on feeling and trust in relationships. How do we carry ourselves into union with others?

Yoga philosophy

This workshop combines elements of chakra theory, modern psychology, conscious communication and Bhakti yoga principles (the Bhagavad Gita among others)

Physical Practice

We will focus on the chest, upper back, shoulders, arms and hands. The intensity will vary from active explorations to passive, restorative postures.


45 euro or teacher training tuition

Sign up

ONLINE or info@neshama.be

20 februari

Budokon - core mobility

6 maart

Personal expression