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Backbending masterclass

  • Neshama Yoga 44 Joris van Oostenrijkstraat Hasselt, Vlaams Gewest, 3511 Belgium (kaart)

When performed with the right technique, backbends strengthen the spine and improve posture. This workshop will focus on the preparation of the hips, shoulders and spine for backbending.

Healthy backbends should not cause back pain or stiffness the next day. Instead, we should feel increased cirulation along the spine and more lightness in our movements. The mobility of the spine powers the rest of the body,

In this workshop will will work methodically to lengthen the strengthen the spine. You may work into deeper backbends but it will not be required.

Docente Julie Henneberg

Price 40 euro pp

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1 februari

Yoga Wall Beginners

15 februari

Yoga Nidra & Klankschalen