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Masterclass Workshop met Erica Jung

  • Neshama 29 Vijversstraat Hasselt, Vlaanderen, 3500 Belgium (kaart)

We are thrilled to host Erica Jung in our studio. Known for her playful and challenging style that encourages removing fear and obstacles through self love and discovery, Erica aims to inspire by showing everyone is capable in any amount. She divides her time between her own studio Trepta Yoga in Jersey, NY, leading retreats around the world and regular classes in Hamburg.

Erica is dedicated to maintaining tradition and integrity of the yogic practice while infusing light hearted humor and recognizing individual needs. Her teachings are strongly influenced by the traditions of Ashtanga, as well as her teachers Raghunath Cappo, Rodney Yee, Tiffany Cruikshank, and Sri Dharma Mittra. Additionally her healing work with Reiki energy and Eastern techniques brings a uniquely intuitive connection to each student and class. Her wish is to share all the benefits that stem from a regular practice and balanced life.


Centred in Chaos: Creating Space and Finding Centre For The Modern Day Practitioner

This workshop is focused on creative transitions to build strength, flexibility, and connection.

Yoga might be a few thousand year old practice, but its guidance and lessons are timeless. What is sometimes less evident is knowing how to apply your practice to all elements of daily life. In this workshop we explore what it means to live your yoga, how to make powerful shifts in daily life, and how to rewire what we see as possible. Between birth and death is one giant and constant transition called life. It's our flexibility and plasticity in how we approach it that will make a difference in living an extraordinary or ordinary life. Challenge convention and what you think is possible in this workshop aimed at sparking creativity, expanding possibility, and showing yourself how much more capable you are than you realise. Expect to take the road less traveled and walk away not only with innovative and powerful new transitions and approaches to your practice, but finding beauty and breath in the least likely of places.


Fear of Flying: Why We Burn Ourselves Out In Pursuit of Achievement

This workshop is focused on inversion and arm balances as a catalyst of understanding our own fears and self imposed limits to success.

In a world where success is everything, it's worth wondering, ' What really is success and what defines it?'. Arm balance and inversions are commonly looked at as markers of a great yoga practitioner, or successful one. In the quest to achieve that, we can expend a ton of energy and find ourselves more exhausted and defeated rather than fearlessly flying high. It's a not-so-subtle mirror for how we might approach life and find ourselves exhausted and running on empty. Working smarter not harder really is key here in taking yourself to the next dimension in your practice by facing fear, building strong and reliable foundations, and exploring your limits and intentions with curiosity. Develop self awareness, physical and internal strength, self care and confidence in this practice and break the ceiling of what is possible with purpose.

Price: €65 per workshop or €115 for both

Sign up: info@neshama.be

Coming from out of town? We have a tight-knit community and we help each other out. Contact us for carpool options or pick-up at Hasselt station.

22 februari


24 maart

Yin en Reiki - VOLZET