‘Guru’ is the remover of darkness:
Gu - darkness
Ru - remover.
A guru is anyone who teaches you how to come closer to your true Self and connect to your inner wisdom. Encounters with the Guru remove the darkness around you - the behaviours, beliefs and convictions that prevent you from connecting deeply with the world around you.
“When surrender happens, the universe itself becomes your Guru and starts walking you to your blissful home.””
When we mistake our personality for who we are, we can’t connect to the our deeper wisdom. Our behaviours, thoughts, habits, neuroses, thoughts, and even our feelings are only just parts of our container.
Sometimes it’s difficult to accept the lessons in front of us as the appearance of ‘guru.’ When someone betrays us we can feel so consumed by hurt that we lose appreciation for the lesson. When a chapter of our loss ends unexpectedly we can feel so consumed by loss that we lose our sense of power within transition. When we encounter difficulty after difficulty on our path, we suffer with ideas of what has been done or what could have been. If we can allow our greatest challenges to become our teachers, we step into our own potential for illumination. The GURU is someone who brings light on to our path, even if it isn’t always comfortable.