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Yoga Wall Opleiding

  • Neshama Yoga 44 Joris van Oostenrijkstraat Hasselt, Vlaams Gewest, 3511 Belgium (kaart)

een 12-uur yogaopleiding

Expand and deepen your teaching knowledge with this Yoga Wall Training for both Yoga teachers and invested students. The Yoga Wall has been named “the mother of all props” for its incredibly versatility and support. Beginner and seasoned Yogis alike find new sensation in depth in their practice on the Wall. During this training we will learn approximately 50 postures and variations on the Wall, including standing, seated and inverted postures.

Yogis with long-term injuries can safely practice on the Wall. From a teaching aspect, we will learn how to guide students into postures and variatiosn for specific conditions.

Upon completion of this course you should feel confident teaching Yoga Wall classes or practicing on your own at home.


  • earlybird t/m 31 juli - 475,00 incl. btw

  • vanaf 1 augustus - 550,00 incl. btw


  • vrijdag 26/9 - 13u-17u

  • zaterdag 27/9 - 13u-17u

  • zondag 28/9 - 13u-17u


21 september

Opgelucht : Breathwork

27 september

prenatale yoga + ayurveda opleiding