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Into The Light

*online series via Zoom

The turning of each season prompts us to tune in to the changes around us and within ourselves. In the spring we sense a natural opportunity for a fresh, clean start: the slow-moving, introspective period of winter ends and a new period of activity begins. We feel inspired to lighten things up, to rejuvenate our deepest tissues. and reconnect to the sense of joy we find in being more active.

Spring is an ideal time to review your exercise routine. Once we’ve cleared the slow-moving, introspective energy of winter we find renewed strength and endurance. Any initial physical and/or mental sluggishness will turn into renewed energy and a clear head.

What to expect in each lesson:

  • a brief introduction to Kapha, Pitta and Vata

  • dynamic physical practice combined with targeted yin stretches to support lymph drainage

  • a brief introduction to Ayurvedic lifestyle choices for Spring

Maandag om 9u30:

6/4 - 11/4 - 18/4 - 25/4 - 1/6 - 8/6


info@neshama.be + payment donation (beurtenkaart/bank transfer)

4 april

Courage Within

25 april

POSTPONED : Bhakti immersion with Erica Jung