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Mindful Moving - new course

Find an attitude of gratitude through mindfulness, meditation and gentle morning practices with a like-minded community.

Sarah will weave yoga with mindfulness in this 10-week course designed to inspire and uplift your meditation practise. We will use yoga poses to open op our bodies and prepare our minds for meditation. Always wanted to learn how to meditate but don't know where to start? Then this is your course. Every week, we will build on the material from the week before and increase our time in meditation. The course presents these timeless practices in a simple, straightforward fashion that you can apply directly to your work and home life each day.

Elke maandag van 9u30-10u45

Data: 6/1 - 13/1 - 20/1 - 27/1 - 3/2 - 10/2 - 17/2 -24/2 - 2/3 - 9/3

Prijs: 10 lessen voor €115

Lesgeefster: Sarah Kusters

Inschrijven: info@neshama.be

DEADLINE for signup: 24 December 2019 (minimum 6 students, max 14)

5 januari


8 januari

Yoga voor Rugpijn